

Healthy Habits

Creative Outlets

About Us

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Pointing Out the Obvious

Mental health accessibility for teens

POTO is dedicated to expanding mental health awareness and accessibility for teens. Explore our library of resources or connect with similar youth in our anonymous, peer-support app, POTOConnect.

Who We Are

Pointing Out the Obvious (POTO), is a group of 9 Point Loma High School students formed together under the Aspen Challenge program. This national non-profit challenges students to create & implement the best solution to one of five community issues. This year, 2024, PLHS is developing a roadmap of mental health resources for all teens to use.

Our Mission

Making a simple Google search for mental health resources reveals that the issue for many students is not quantity or quality of resources, but a lack of accessibility to these tools (or awareness in knowing how to use them). We wish to bring awareness to the lack of engagement with necessary mental health resources for youth.

Presentation link


Click here for a much longer list with direct filters to better fit your needs, or call 911 for immediate help

NAMI is designed for talking about sensitive topics with empathy, understanding and support. It is also a good referral line to connect you with more local resources.

SAMHSA, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, is an official US organization with lots of resources for all sorts of scenarios.

The MHA organization is a giant hub of resources for mental health, including but not limited to, their immediate response resources, connections page (chat rooms, phone lines, etc.), and depression information page.

The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline has counselors who provide support, coping resources, and crisis counseling to abused children and anyone wanting more knowledge on what to do. Call/text: 800-422-4453

The NDVH is a hotline which helps people in abusive relationships, families, etc. There is a live chat directly on their website as well as phone numbers and resources.

This is an extremely easy way to find therapists close to you all across the USA. It lists TONS of therapists with detailed accounts of all of them including specialties, location, reviews, and prices.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, contact us through this form
Visit our instagram @plpoto